connect, inspire and build
Tikoly markets and designs sustainable tech and Web3 solutions with builders. Subscribe to our Call Tikoly blog as email newsletters .
Tell us what you're buildingWhat We Offer
Branding, content production and sales team coaching on sustainable tech and products, such as Direct Current home appliances, home batteries, or solar panels sets, including
- End consumers content design and production, such as leaf-lets
- Training kits design and production, such as tutorial videos
- Sales team coaching, remote or in-person (while in China)
Learn to SHOW, do not TELL
The art of sustainable tech product selling lies in sales teams’ ability to SHOW or DEMO, NOT TELLING people what they are, because
- Sustainable tech and products have always been contextual
- Showing is 10x more efficient than telling, such as maintaining a showroom for this very purpose
- Being specific before you’re going abstract
What gets measured gets managed
Once we’re getting used to measure everything around sustainable tech and web3 user actions, we’ll be able to ENGINEER products that are TRULY sustainable and innovative, for example,
- How can you decide which products are good if you can’t measure their energy consumption
- Renewable energy is deployed as distributed system by default, hence we MUST measure EVERYTHING
- Measure, demo, show and SELL
What Partners Are Saying
Tikoly grows by helping partners’ tech and business growth.